Unlocking Public Dollars and Public Data to Scale Effective Workforce & Postsecondary Programs in Colorado

What We Do

CEEMI advocates for a more evidence-based and less siloed approach to the workforce development ecosystem.

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  • We direct public funding to proven workforce development programs for learners.

    For instance, CEEMI shaped "Opportunity Now,” a Colorado workforce grant program deploying $85 million in federal funds. We ensured it has a strong evidence standard, and we’re helping oversee implementation of the program.

    And, with our partners, we persuaded Denver City Council to pass an ordinance unlocking millions in Denver sales tax revenue for lower-income Denver Public School graduates to pursue proven training programs that lead to higher wages

  • We help Colorado training and postsecondary providers and programs advance on Colorado's Evidence Continuum, measure outcomes, access data, & partner with evaluators.​ Check out our growing list of local and national partners!

    We also produced a toolkit for workforce programs to build evidence, developed as part of CEEMI’s contract with the Colorado Workforce Development Council.

  • We address systemic barriers to access and opportunity, including learners of color, learners in poverty, and learners with barriers to employment.

    For instance, we persuaded the legislature to include demographic data requirements in the Governor’s Universal Scholarships bill, and we’ve organized multiple roundtables to lift up a diverse range of learner voices for policymakers and elected officials, leading to this CPR piece.

    We also secured a half million dollar grant and led a successful initiative to pilot and evaluate flexible cash supports as a supplement to effective workforce programs, to make these programs more accessible to a wider range of learners. An evaluation found this approach significantly increased completion rates for low-income learners in high impact programs.

Highlighting CEEMI’s Work

Read Op-Eds in the Stanford Social Innovation Review and the Colorado Sun by Roger Low, CEEMI’s CEO.

CEEMI mobilizes learners and leading evidence-based training programs to testify and advocate in support of reform legislation, helping shape key Colorado laws and ordinances

Our 2024 Workforce Convening with U.S. Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper brought together 50+ key stakeholders, training providers, learners & policymakers

Learn more about CEEMI's growing team and growing list of over 45 partners.

Developed through our contract with the Colorado Workforce Development Council, check out this workbook CEEMI developed for workforce training partners to build evidence of impact.

CEEMI launched the Colorado Wage Outcomes and Results Coalition (Colorado WORC) to unlock earnings outcome data for training providers! Learn more here.